Network management, partnerships and stakeholders
Workshop 7.a. Networks between the social and public sector
- Annie Camus, Government-nonprofit relations: The maintenance challenge
- Anders Bro & Olle Westin, On the road towards reinforced cooperation: Emerging structures for co-production between the public sector and the social economy TEXT
- Ana Simaens & Nigel Roome, A systems approach to strategy in third sector organizations
- Luc Dielis & Annick Waegeman, Social-business innovation in Antwerp: Innovation and market-oriented thinking in Antwerp’s social economy TEXT + PRESENTATION
- Carmela Guarascio, Public and private aids: autonomy and sustainability of social and solidarity experiences. International comparison between Bahia and Calabria TEXT
Workshop 7.b. Networks and organizations
- Benjamin Huybrechts & Julie Rijpens, Building legitimacy for new hybrid organizations: The case of renewable energy cooperatives in Europe
- Enzo Pezzini, Les associations des coopératives. Potentialités, défis, modèles d’organisations
- Zerdani Tassadit, Gouvernance de réseaux d’organisations collectives: Dynamique, processus et travail institutionnel
- Marie-Claire Malo & Luc Audebrand, Le management stratégique d’un réseau d’organisations de l’économie sociale : L’Accorderie, Échanger et Coopérer
Workshop 7.c. Strategic issues in the agro business
- Ana María García-Pérez, Cándido Roman-Cervantes & Marian García Martínez, From agribusiness cooperative to organism netchain or learning netchain?
- Elena Meliá Martí & Mª Pía Carnicer Andrés, Financial and economic characterization of the major agri-food cooperative groups in the European Union TEXT + PRESENTATION
- François Rouchet, Philippe Lebailly & Ton Vu Dinh, Sector del lichi Thieu en el distrito de Thanh Ha (provincia de Hai Duong, Vietnam): Estrategias de los productores y caso de la asociación de producción y comercialización del lichi Thieu de Thanh Ha
Workshop 7.d. Networks in a social perspective
- Alexandra Moskovskaya, Oleg Oberemko & Marina Chernysheva, “Dependent” and “Independent” social enterprises: A comparative study of organizations in international perspective TEXT + PRESENTATION
- Hajime Imamura, Accumulation of the relational skills in Japan for promoting horizontal solidarity of social economy enterprises in the provision of services of general interest