Avner Ben-Ner
Avner Ben-Ner is Professor in the Center for Human Resources and Labor Studies (formerly the Industrial Relations Center) in the Carlson School of Management and Affiliated Professor in the Law School at the University of Minnesota. His current research has two broad strands. First, it concerns the determinants of organization design (decision-making, incentives, monitoring, hiring) and ownership (for-profit, nonprofit, government, cooperative) and their effects on performance and the well-being of various stakeholders. Second, it examines the relationship between social preferences (the inclination to trust, be trustworthy, to cooperate) and organizational, economic and social behavior.
He has published in the American Economic Review, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, Boston Law Review, Economica, Industrial Relations, Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Journal of Economic Psychology, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Nonprofit Management and Leadership, Personality and Individual Differences, Yale Law Journal and other journals. He coedited with Helmut Anheier The Study of the Nonprofit Enterprise: Theories and Approaches (Kluwer, 2003), with Louis Putterman Economics, Values, and Organization (Cambridge, 1998/2001/2005).
Benoît Lévesque

Benoît Lévesque is an associate professor at Ecole nationale d’administration publique du Québec and emeritus professor at University of Quebec à Montreal. He was co-founder of Centre sur les innovations sociales (CRISES) and Alliance de recherche Universités/Communautés in social economy (ARUC-ÉS), organizations that he led until 2003. From 2002 until 2010, he chaired the International Scientific Council of CIRIEC International. Throughout his career, he led and published researches numerous publications on economic sociology, the Quebec model of development, the social economy, social transformations, governance and the regional and local development.
José Luis Monzon

Philippe Van Parijs

Philippe Van Parijs studied philosophy, law, political economy, sociology and linguistics at the Facultés universitaires Saint Louis (Brussels) and the Universities of Louvain, Oxford, Bielefeld and California (Berkeley). He holds doctorates in the social sciences (Louvain, 1977) and in philosophy (Oxford, 1980).
He is professor at the Faculty of economic, social and political sciences of the University of Louvain (UCL), where he has directed the Hoover Chair of economic and social ethics since its creation in 1991.
From 2004 onwards he was for several years a Regular Visiting Professor of Philosophy at Harvard University.
He was award numerous Prizes and an honorary doctorate by Laval University (Québec).
He is a member of several editorial boards journals in Public Affairs, Politics, Ethics, Social and Political Philosophy.
His books include Evolutionary Explanation in the Social Sciences (London & Totowa NJ 1981), Arguing for Basic Income (London,
1992, ed.), Real Freedom for All (Oxford 1995), Cultural Diversity versus Economic Solidarity (Brussels 2004, ed.).