Policy and ideology of social economy
Workshop 1.a. New conceptual frameworks
- Pieter H.M. Ruys, The architecture of a social enterprise: The relational approach
- Kevin T. Jackson, Analysis and design of normative conceptual frameworks of social economy
- John Justin McMurtry, Prometheus, Trojan Horse or Frankenstein?: The social and solidarity economy as community creation, market wedge, or state monster
- Gani Aldashev & Cecilia Navarra, What do we know about the economics of development of NGOs? Some stylized facts
Workshop 1.b. Welfare policy
- Teresa Savall Morera & Rafael Chaves Ávila, Is social economy effectively participating in public policies? The Spanish experience
- Erika Bertazzo, Social economy as the protagonist of public welfare?
- Gurli Jakobsen, Social entrepreneurship and social value
Workshop 1.c. Cooperative experiences
- Sandrine Ansart, Amélie Artis & Virginie Monvoisin, The challenge of “banalisation” for co-operative banks: Dynamics, turbulences and state of the crisis TEXT
- Bernard Paranque, Propriété privée et action collective : De la coopération comme réappropriation du monde
- Leire Uriarte Zabala & Eneritz Pagalday Tricio, La experiencia cooperativa de Mondragon y la economía solidaria del Sur TEXT
Workshop 1.d. Emerging SE in Asia
- Hyungsik Eum & Eric Bidet, Comprendre un concept dans son contexte : L’économie sociale en Corée du Sud
- Norimichi Goishi, Recent development and features of social enterprises and social economy in Japan and Korea
Workshop 1.e. Social enterprises and volunteering issues
- Jacques Defourny & Marthe Nyssens, Social cooperatives: When social enterprises meet the cooperative tradition
- Bruna Bruno & Damiano Fiorillo, Voluntary work and labour income
- Isabella Hatak & Dietmar Roessl, CSR in cooperative banks: Generating value for members as internal stakeholders
- Marek Hudon & Céline Louche, Transforming social enterprises: the case of Kenyan and Vietnamese microfinance institutions
- Danilo Malta Ferreira, Ana Lucia Cortegoso, Ioshiaqui Shimbo, Callil João & Regina Gandolfi, Timeline Construction Process as Systematization Instrument of Experiences in Solidarity Economy. Multidisciplinar and Integrated Core of Studies , Formation and Intervention in Solidarity Economy TEXT + PRESENTATION